I have been listening to some fantastic podcasts lately that are connected to keeping up the momentum of exercise after the Christmas and new year slump.   So many folk enrol at their local gym, starting off well for January, but then drift away at the first distraction.  I find this too – by  the way,if you enrol for actual classes, you are less likely to miss those as it directly affects others.    Back to the podcast – for those working folk who are not able to drop tools to visit the gym, there are ways to get active from the office desk.  More than one contributor said they have stand up desks in their work space.  This means they have to be standing up for a greater part of their working day and not sat down.  This has proven benefits for the heart and lungs and generally helps posture.  Also having a well designed chair that suits the height of the desk when one must sit is also essential.  Most office furniture suppliers can offer a wide range of carefully chosen and designed furniture that will aid the occupier of the work space to keep themselves alert and more oen to fitness.