There cannot be a nicer way to go to work than to stroll out of the patio doors, across the lawn and into the office at the end of the garden.  This must surely be every business owner’s dream.  It can be a most rewarding way to get working too.  A happy worker is a product worker and in stressful times, nothing is likely to be needed more than a confident and happy worker in a clean, light space.  Being able to look out onto swathes of green with shrubs bursting into life reminds us all that the point of working is not only to bring home the readies but also to maintain routine, self discipline and a purpose for getting up in the first place.  To be able to service our customers, help them to make the right decision on their needs is also a very worthy point.  An office in the garden can be achieved with relative ease.  There are many available with minimum planning needs.